I share an office with a few people, so a co-worker quietly came in and whispered in my ear that she had heard some terrible news and wanted to tell me before I saw it on the computer that Prince was dead. "That's not true," is what I said. And I thought, what a ridiculous hoax! please let it be a hoax. Then Questlove couldn't breathe. I felt so ridiculous because I was about to full-on cry at work. Because Price died. Am I crazy? Turns out I am. So, "Let's Go Crazy" one more time.
I have loved this dude, in earnest, since hearing Private Joy thumping from the speakers in dance class in like, 1981, and finally making the connection that it was the beautiful boy in those pictures on my cousin's bedroom walls! Mind you, I had the Soft & Wet 45 and the I Wanna Be Your Lover 45 already.
He helped me understand my first full blown crush, saw me thru broken hearted middle school years with Lonely, Still Waiting & How Come You Don't Call Me Anymore always in heavy rotation all thanks to the Electrifying Mojo on WGPR. (We really had something special going on in Detroit.)
And anyone that really knows me, knows I'm a cornball. I was such a nerd when I was a kid. But Prince (& The Time) made me cool. In 1984, Lady Cab Driver was the number one song of the top 98 Songs of the year on WJLB. So I was number One. And I was cool. Because I liked Prince.
I didn't just like any old pop music, I liked Prince. I liked Good Music. And he helped me realize that I was musical. That I loved to Sing. And write.
For me, music amplifies the beauty of this world. It Expresses the euphoria of living. It's my Happy place. No musician occupied as much of that Happy space as Prince has for me.
Yeah, he was racy. He sang about sex, lots of sex. And we couldn't wait 'til we were old enough to really get in the game, but he was ultimately all about love. I Wanna Be Your Lover, International Lover, AnotherLoverHoleInYoHead, Live 4 Love, Love 4 One Another, Another Love, Love.
"From the Abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Love is whatever, whatever you want it to be." --Prince, Love
For me he was Love and Happiness. And I'm so grateful for the memories. I did get to go to the Purple Rain Concert. I missed the
Birthday concerts in 86 and the LoveSexy Tour in 88, but then I made a
promise to myself that if Prince was in town and I was in town, that I
was going to the show. So thankfully, I remember may three hour
concerts with 3 & 4 encores, many after parties and a wonderful
week at Paisley Park for the 2000 Celebration.
I'm really gong to miss him. He put it best in this beautiful short, but sweet bootleg that I got years ago at Flip Side Records or Repeat the Beat.
I miss the blue sky.
I miss the pouring rain too
I miss the pouring rain too
Most of all baby, I miss you.
I miss you, oh I miss you, oh I miss you.
Goodnight Sweet Prince.
Leslie Blue